Task 3: Interpersonal Communication Reflective Writing

An interpersonal communication issue I encountered was with my Uber driver. I booked an Uber a few days ago with a pick-up location at my place. However, there was two pick-up point at my place so on the Uber app I specify which pick-up point should the driver stop at to avoid confusion. But when the Uber arrive, the driver went to the other pick-up point. I tried calling the driver to know where he was but when he picked up the phone he started screaming at me saying that I didn't let him know where I was on the Uber app even when I indicated which pick-up point I was waiting at. Eventually, I let him know that I would walk down to where he was because I was more familiar with the locations. During the trip in the car, I felt tension between the both of us because of confusion earlier on during the pick-up. 

Personally, I felt upset because the driver did not pay attention to the details of my pick-up location on the Uber app. When I enter the car, I'm not sure if I should confront him to let him know that I indicated my specific pick-up location and he was wrong for screaming at me on the phone. I am someone who does not like conflict and confrontation but I really feel that I was wronged. Before I alighted the car, I spoke up to the driver letting him know that I indicated my location. Even though, I didn't get a reply from him I felt relief that I spoke up. 

As I am reflecting, I feel that at some situation there is a need to share your feelings and thoughts or show your stand so that other people can understand you. At the same time that I am sharing my thought I am sure that the driver would understand that he might have missed out the notes regarding the pickup point of my booking. This might lead to a reflection from him on the way he spoke to me.

If such problem arises will you speak up like I do or will you handle it another way? 


  1. Greetings Shermaine,

    Thank you for sharing your story, the uber driver was indeed very rude. He should not have shouted or screamed at you, as it made the car trip very tensed and uneasy. It was uncalled for and it was very unprofessional of him as an Uber driver. If i were you, i would probably have reminded him again on the messaging functions of uber app. As a fellow uber rider, i would say that sometimes systems tends to glitch and you informing the driver again could be a fail-safe way of informing the driver.


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